ISSN: 1870-1442

:: Number 32 (January - April 2019)


Peer review process

The texts proposed for publication are evaluated by the Editorial Board. Once the established norms for the submit a proposal, are fulfilled, they turns (without data about the authors), to two specialists in the subject matter, to whom they are requested to keep the confidentiality of the text until it is published. If one of the opinions is negative, the text is subjected to a third evaluation. Two negative opinions imply rejection, without the possibility of reconsideration. The result is communicated to the author (s) or authors via email. Ola Financiera's Rules and editorial policy for originals reception.

Section Policy

The Analysis , Review and Special Report sections are published under the following scheme: Open Access, indexed and peer review.
The Classic and Opinion sections are published through: Open Access and indexed

Quotes policy

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Made in Mexico, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), all rights reserved 2004-2019.

OLA FINANCIERA, Vol. 12 No. 32,    January-April 2019, is a quarterly publication, with international arbitration, edited by Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México by Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, Ciudad Universitaria, Circuito Mario de la Cueva s/n, Ciudad de la Investigación en Humanidades, Coyoacán, C.P. 04510, México, D.F. Tel.+52 (55) 5623-0131, and Faculty of Economics, Ciudad Universitaria, Circuito Interior s/n, Coyoacán, C.P. 04510, México, D.F., www.olafinanciera.unam.mx, ola.financiera.unam@gmail.com Editor in charge: Dr. Sergio Cabrera Morales. Reservation of Rights to Exclusive Use: 04-2013-050912324700-203, ISSN electronic: 1870-1442. Responsible for the last update of this issue, Ing. Jesús Garrido López, Circuito Mario de la Cueva s/n, Ciudad de la Investigación en Humanidades, Ciudad Universitaria, Coyoacán, C.P. 04510, México D.F. date of last modification, January 8, 2018.

The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the position of the editor of the publication.

Permission to reproduce all or part of the published texts is granted provided the source is cited in full including the web address. Otherwise, it requires prior written permission from the institution.