ISSN: 1870-1442

:: Number 46 (September - December 2023)


Adam Smith (AS) has been a reference in various topics at various times, and has put his theoretical, ideological and methodological perspective at the service of multiple orientations.


Special issue
The Wealth of Nations: 300 years after the birth of Adam Smith


Adam Smith: antidote to neoliberalism
Wesley C. Marshall

Texto completo (pdf)


Adam Smith: construction of an exegesis of Political Economy
Marcia Solorza

Texto completo (pdf)


Adam Smith, women and conflictive economic relations
Violeta Rodríguez

Texto completo (pdf)


Wealth of Nations and Remittances in Mexico
Rodolfo García
Selene Gaspar

Texto completo (pdf)


Adam Smith, natural resources and financialization
Vania López

Texto completo (pdf)


Adam Smith and banking behavior: Economic rationality or imprudence?
Daniel Mirón

Texto completo (pdf)



The order of chaos. The general law of capitalist accumulation in Latin America and beyond
Raúl Niño de Rivera

Texto completo (pdf)




Call for papers special issue on economics from a gender perspective









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Made in Mexico, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), all rights reserved 2004-2023.

OLA FINANCIERA, Vol. 16 No. 46,    September - December 2023, is a quarterly publication, with international arbitration, edited by Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México by Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, Ciudad Universitaria, Circuito Mario de la Cueva s/n, Ciudad de la Investigación en Humanidades, Coyoacán, C.P. 04510, México, D.F. Tel.+52 (55) 5623-0131, and Faculty of Economics, Ciudad Universitaria, Circuito Interior s/n, Coyoacán, C.P. 04510, México, D.F., www.olafinanciera.unam.mx, ola.financiera.unam@gmail.com Editor in charge: Dr. Sergio Cabrera Morales. Reservation of Rights to Exclusive Use: 04-2013-050912324700-203, ISSN electronic: 1870-1442. Responsible for the last update of this issue, Ing. Jesús Garrido López y Dr. Jesús Sosa Arista, Circuito Mario de la Cueva s/n, Ciudad de la Investigación en Humanidades, Ciudad Universitaria, Coyoacán, C.P. 04510, México D.F. date of last modification, september 04, 2023.

The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the position of the editor of the publication.

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